10K Movement presented their fourth annual Lords of the Land International Hip Hop and Street dance festival this month in Cleveland, Ohio. It was an amazing three day event which included dance workshops, cyphers and showcases with some incredible people. There were so many talented dancers who came to compete in the popping, Hip Hop and Breaking categories and performances from Local Ohio Krump dancers Dauve and Aka the dancer and a drumming performance from Refresh and Cavs 216 Stix.
The United Hip Hop Vanguard facilitated two Breakin sessions with NYC based Bgirl N'FiniT and Bgirl Flyya as well as provide travel for Bronx based Top 8 competitor Bboy Pop from Streetmasters crew. Full Circle Souljahs also came out to attend and support. Thank you to the Mellon foundation who made this possible.
Congratulations to Sam Mack, Maddy and Anastasia and their team for all the work they put in organizing Lords of the Land and the work they do year ‘round, providing educational programs and creating a platform in the Cleveland area for Hip hop and street dance culture to grow, we salute you!
Coming up, Full Circle and Break for Love are co-hosting Olympic Breaking watch party “Wake and Break” Aug 9th at the Snipes/ Ladies of Hip Hop Studio in Queens to celebrate and come together to watch as Breaking makes its debut on the Olympic platform. Breakfast will be provided but all are invited to step out for lunch and return for the 2nd half of the program. To join the fun, be sure to register on eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wake-and-break-olympic-livestream-tickets-952966437267
to reserve your spot. Make sure to also save the date for the Graffiti Hall of Fame event on August 24th Seattle's For the Love of it dance event produced by The Good Foot Arts Collective -- and Time Machine Squad’s 35th Anniversary in Puerto Rico as they celebrate their Hip Hop Legacy this fall on October 18th!
We are half way through our final year of UHHV activities and events. We are happy to circle back to our local and national partners and see the impact of cultural activities that have lifted up the daily work that at times seems invisible to most. We recognize the dedication from local groups like 10K Movement, Furious Styles Crew, CUDA Culture, Time Machine Squad, No East Props and The Good Foot Arts Collective and hope to continue supporting you all from NYC as long as we can with or without grant funding.
See you all out there.. Keep making the magic happen!